Second World Conference on Promotion and Prevention

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Second World Conference on Promotion and Prevention

The Promotion of Mental Health and the Prevention of Mental and Behavioral Disorders

Following the success of the inaugural conference at the Carter Center, Atlanta, in December 2001, a First Call for Papers has been issued by the organizers of the Second World Conference. This is a program of WFMH in collaboration with the Clifford Beers Foundation and the Carter Center, and will have as its theme The Coming Together of Science, Policy and Programmes. The meeting will be held on 11-13 September 2002 at the Commonwealth Conference and Events Centre, Royal Kensington and Chelsea, London. All presenters must register. The early bird conference fee (until 31 January 2002) is 240 British pounds + VAT (value added tax) = 282 British pounds.

Abstracts should be sent to:

The Conference Office


5 Castle Way

Stafford ST16 1BS

United Kingdom

Tel/Fax 44 (0) 1 785 246 668

Email: Michael_ [email protected]

Confirmed speakers include Benedetto Saraceno, head of the Mental Health Department at WHO; John Bowis, Member of the European Parliament; Patrick McGrory, University of Melbourne, Australia; Margaret Barry, National University of Ireland; Pirkko Lahti, WFMH President, Finland; Rachel Jenkins, Institute of Psychiatry, London; John Orley, Chair, Cliffold Beers Foundation; Florence Baingana, World Bank; and Beverly Long, WFMH Past President, USA.

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