Mental Wellness in the Workplace

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Mental Wellness in the Workplace

Suggestions for Employers

Empathy…”It isnt about feeling sorry for people,” states Bill Wilkerson of the Canadian Business and Economic Roundtable on Mental Health. “Its about understanding the world from their point of view. Empathy is the only kind of leadership that is likely to sustain the resilience of working people in the 21st century.”

If an employees performance begins to suffer, employers should not assume that they no longer care about their job: Talk with them, offer appropriate help. If an Employee Assistance Program is available, encourage workers to use it.

Employers should ask themselves if their work environment is supportive. The Gallup organization found that four attitudes correspond strongly to worker satisfaction and company profitability:

When workers…

  • Feel that they are given the opportunity to do their best every day;
  • Believe that their opinions are valued and listened to;
  • Sense that their fellow workers are committed to quality;
  • See a direct connection between their work and the companys mission.

Creating a More Productive Work Environment:

Encourage and listen to the suggestions of your employees.

Instead of seeing only the costs that employees represent to your company, develop ways to measure productivity or to calculate the hidden revenue generated by individuals.

Each persons capacity to handle stress differs greatly. One persons ability to cope with problems doesnt mean that others can be expected to do the same, or at the same level.

Recognize the individual strengths of your employees.

Be aware of deceptive business perceptions. A short term financial approach to employee benefits may turn out to be vastly more expensive in the long term.

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