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Whereas the United Nations has designated 1999 as the “International Year of Older Persons — Towards A Society For All Ages” and the Principles of Older Persons was adopted by the UN General Assembly (resolution 46/91) on 16 December 1991, clearly recognizing the special needs and protection of rights for older persons, and

Because mental illness is often shrouded in stigma — a label that leads to negative judgements and misunderstandings towards those dealing with these illnesses as well as an impediment to the effective treatment of such illnesses.

Whereas the World Federation for Mental Health has designated “Mental Health and Ageing” as the primary focus of World Mental Health Day 1999, therefore we pledge to:

  • Take action to increase public awareness and understanding of the mental and emotional needs of the elderly; thus enhancing the ability of individuals and communities to reduce the fear and misunderstanding of mental health problems;

  • Acknowledge the emotional effect of security issues upon older persons, including health, housing, family, economic concerns and social welfare;

  • Improve the quality of access of mental health care for older people throughout the world by providing effective mental health services that are integrated with all forms of health care, are culturally appropriate, and that meet local needs;

  • Develop strategies that target the special issues of older persons, their continuing participation within the community and the disorders to which they are vulnerable;

  • Provide families with special support systems for coping with the burdens of tending to the special needs of older persons with mental disabilities;

  • Bring about the recognition and enforcement of the rights of people with mental disabilities as established by international human rights treaties and as detailed in human rights resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, including the rights to: independence, participation, care, self-fulfillment and dignity.

Now therefore, I,





do hereby proclaim October 10, 1999 to be World Mental Health Day in


and pledge to support the accomplishment of the above-mentioned objectives. In so doing, I urge all of our citizens to take part in activities designed for the observance of Mental Health Day.

Signed__________________________ Date:__________________, 1999

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