~Message from the President~

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Dear Friends,

Our 50th anniversary continues to provide unique opportunities to draw attention to global mental health through WFMH’s partnerships with its member organizations and with the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, media programs and others.

One such opportunity was the global advocacy campaign to try to influence the reorganization of WHO’s administrative structure being undertaken by the transition team of the new Director General, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland. I wish to congratulate those of you who expressed your views on the matter. WHO received hundreds of letters from those interested in mental health matters in all parts of the world. We currently look forward to working with Dr. Yasuhiro Suzuli, who heads WHO’s newly formed Cluster on Social Change and Mental Health.

As this advocacy effort demonstrated, WFMH is not resting on its laurels during the 50th anniversary year. The Federation is reviewing its mission, redefining its goals, initiating partnerships, and developing a long-range plan. As a key element in this process we will continue to embrace all organizations and individuals concerned with mental health, thereby maintaining its unique position and capacity to represent the diverse points of view of the mental health community to governments and intergovernmental agencies. One of the initiatives in this regard is the new membership drive to strengthen our numbers and therefore our advocacy capacity. We also look forward to the further development of our informational network, including a media strategy for advocating prevention and mental health promotion, and the expansion of our internet capacity. The International Panel of the World Network of (ex)-Users and Survivors of Psychiatry established at the Lahti Congress continues to expand its worldwide connections.

Through the efforts of John Gates and Rachel Jenkins, a collaborative relationship is developing with the World Bank. Funding has been secured from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for a one-year secondment to the Bank to provide education and advice to Bank staff on mental health policy and related issues. A recruitment process is now under way to select a person to serve in this position at the Bank, starting in 1999..

In New York, the NGO Committee on Mental Health chaired by WFMH’s Main UN Representative Nancy Wallace recently held a well-attended Forum with Dr. Costa e Silva of WHO as the key speaker and myself as discussant. The meeting was opened by Assistant UN Secretary General Gillian Sorensen, who made very moving personal remarks on the importance of mental health issues.

Strong regional developments have taken place in the Middle East and Europe. The Eastern Mediterranean Regional Council has increased its membership during a June meeting in Cairo by incorporating groups interested in the prevention of substance abuse. Collaboration with the WHO Regional Office in Alexandria has also been strengthened.

In July, the European Regional Council (ERC-WFMH) voted to reorganize and change its name to “Mental Health Europe – Sante Mentale Europe, the European Regional Council of WFMH.” The change is aimed at rendering MHE more efficient and effective in the new European context. MHE plans to operate within the philosophy and policies of WFMH. Relevant aspects of the changes in both organizations will be discussed with the two Executive Committees and presented to the WFMH Board.

Fiftieth anniversary meetings have already taken place in Yemen, the Netherlands, Egypt and Scotland. Further celebrations are planned for London, Tasmania, Taiwan, Niigata, Tokyo and Calcutta. I urge you all to attend the Federation’s and WHO’s anniversary symposium from 22-24 October 1998 in London. The meeting will consist primarily of regional and special issue workshops. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has graciously consented to be its Patron, and the Vice Patrons include British Prime Minster Tony Blair and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, the new Director General of WHO, has been invited to open the conference.

The above list offers only a glimpse of Federation activities but demonstrates that we are evolving rapidly during this anniversary year. We may now place current activities in a historical perspective with the publication of WFMH Secretary General Eugene B. Brody’s volume “The Search for Mental Health: A History and Memoir of WFMH 1948-1997.” This study makes it clear that as WFMH continues to strengthen and establish its position of international influence and mission, we are able to do so because of the dedication and hard work of the many who have come before. I wish to communicate my respect and thanks to all of you for what you are doing every day to make this a mentally healthier world.

Marten deVries

Marten deVries

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