Message from the President

(Last Updated On: )

WFMH President Ahmed El Azayem

Dear Friends,

Research in the field of infant mental health emphasizes the need for a secure attachment relationship with the parents. Recent studies have shown that even a one-day-old infant can differentiate emotions. (The baby will cry on hearing the recorded sound of another infant crying, but will not cry on hearing a recording of his own crying.)

A variety of factors in the family situation can influence the well-being of new babies. Infants can be seriously affected by depression in their mothers. This can contribute to a variety of problems in the child, including slow development and preschool behavioral problems. Paternal heavy drinking has been shown to be associated with problems in mother-child functioning. Heavy alcohol use by the father increases the risk to the mother-child relationship in early infancy.

The mental health of infants requires stable, committed, caring parents. The lack of such secure factors in earliest childhoold will lead to poor peer relations and behavioral problems, and can result in permanent damage to infants.

Mental Health Europe has just completed a report, mentioned in this issue of the newsletter, which emphasizes the need to support the mental health of children at a very early age. MHE Director Josee Van Remoortel writes: We believe strongly that children have human rights which ought to be protected and supported to ensure their development towards a mentally healthy lifestyle and well-being. There is clear evidence that mental health promotion in early life leads to a wide range of positive outcomes, including improved mental health, less risk of mental and behavioral problems, better quality of life and a diversity of positive social and economic outcomes.

Past Secretary General Eugene B. Brody also writes in this issue about the need for attention to maternal reproductive health and its connection to the well-being of infants. We need to put the mental health of infants higher on the agenda in our future programs.

Best regards,

Ahmed El Azayem's Signature

Ahmed El Azayem

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