First Quarter 2002 Newsletter

(Last Updated On: )

      Biennial Congress

Friday, 21 February � Wednesday, 26 February 2003

Megan McQueenie

Dear Friends:

The Organising Committee for the 2003 Biennial Congress in Melbourne, Australia, cordially invites you to a wonderfully full programme of science, mental health and social activity.

The dates of the Congress have had to be brought back two days to avoid major increases in hotel prices in Melbourne � the following week Melbourne hosts the International Grand Prix. Our Congress dates are now Friday 21 � Wednesday February 26 2003. We hope that this will fit your plans to attend the Congress.

The several committees necessary to organise an event of this magnitude are currently very active. They include the Local Organising, National Advisory, International Scientific Programme and Social Committees, comprising about 60 members. The Local Organising Committee is in regular contact with the WFMH Secretariat and the WFMH Congress Liaison Committee. Our focus currently is on invitations to keynote speakers, and on preparation of the registration brochure and call for abstracts. The brochure will be distributed by late April. The closing date for individual abstracts is July 8th.

We will also highlight those special meetings which are integral to and so important in ensuring a truly successful Congress. These include the George Albee, the Margaret Mead, and the Mary Hemingway Rees Lectures; and the WFMH General Assembly and Mental Health Associations Day.

We are delighted with the level of support within Australia and internationally by political leaders. In our First Announcement the Prime Minister of Australia, the Honourable John Howard, issued the invitation to you and the world mental health sector to participate in this Congress � only the second to be held in Australia. The first was in 1973, to mark the 25th anniversary of the World Federation for Mental Health.

We are also working already to make our social events something for you to remember. A highlight of the social programme will be our Golden Opportunity Ball � a �Black Tie� event with a difference!

We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne in February 2003. Put the Congress in your diary now!

Megan McQueenie
Executive Director,
Mental Health Foundation of Australia

First Quarter 2002 Newsletter

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