Emerging into Light

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Emerging into Light

A New Symbol of Resilience and Recovery from Canada

Emerging Light

Emerging Light

Mental health and mental illness organizations around the world are invited by the Canadian Mental Health Association to adopt the new Emerging into Light symbol which is designed to draw the attention of the public to the importance of mental health issues.

Although much progress has been made in educating the public about mental illness and the importance of maintaining good mental health, people who have mental disorders continue to face discrimination and many experience personal feelings of shame. The rejection of people with psychiatric illnesses continues to be a barrier to regaining mental health and seeking effective methods of treatment.

The inclusion and acceptance of people with mental illness is an important social justice issue that needs to be publicly recognized. By endorsing the Emerging into Light Symbol we are affirming that mental health involves everyone. The goal is to share this symbol freely with every person who cares about mental illness and health.

Described as a symbol of resilience and recovery for people who care about mental illness and health, the original artwork was donated to the Canadian Mental Health Association by Jennifer Osborn, an artist and consumer of mental health services.

Inspired by the legend of the phoenix, the image invokes a variety of responses. Some people imagine a bird flying free into the light of acceptance; others see a dragon battling for justice. The flaming gold colors in the original artwork represent the soaring spirit of the phoenix, while the deep blue is a tranquil element suggesting emotional stability.

According to Ms. Osborn, Emerging into Light for me is what it feels like coming out of a depression. It is like a dark covering has been taken off your eyes, mind and emotions. Life always looks so much brighter than it had before, and I am filled with a lot of optimism and tolerance. In many ways, it feels like a rebirth.

In addition to the themes of resilience and recovery, Jennifer also hopes the symbol contributes to unveiling mental illness to society and helps to end the shame and discrimination attached to it.

The Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Health (CAMIMH) comprising the Canadian Mental Health Association, Canadian Psychiatric Association, the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, the National Network for Mental Health, and the Schizophrenia Society of Canada, has formally endorsed the new Emerging into Light symbol and agreed to act as custodian of the image.

The symbol is gaining widespread exposure as a powerful communications tool across Canada. Posters, screensavers, T-shirts, tattoos, billboards, lapel pins and stickers emblazoned with the striking phoenix image are communicating its message of recovery and resilience.

All these resources can be accessed on CMHAs website, www.cmha.ca , including precise standards for the graphic applications of the symbol and its wordmark, which are downloadable. The standards are also available in hard copy from CMHA, 2160 Yonge Street, 3rd floor, Toronto, Ontario M4SS 2Z3, Canada; fax 416 484 4616.

People already recognize that this symbol is for everyone, according to Ed Pennington, general director of the Canadian Mental Health Association and WFMHs regional vice-president for North America. People are applying it in really creative ways. Its appearing in movie theaters, on newsletters and billboards, at meditation sessions and candlelight vigils. It is starting to appear when people who care about mental illness and health are coming together.

The Canadian partnership now offers the symbol to the world and hopes to see its use increase internationally.

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