World Federation for Mental Health’s Agenda

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WFMH was founded in 1948 to advance, among all peoples and nations, the prevention
of mental and emotional disorders, the proper treatment and care of those
with such disorders, and the promotion of mental health.  

Federation, with members and contacts in 112 countries on six continents,
has responded to the international mentl health crisis through its role as
the only worldwide grassroots advocacy and public education organization in
the mental health field.  The Federation’s organizational and individual
membership includes mental health workers of all disciplines, consumers/users
of mental health services, family members and concerned citizens.  The
Organization’s broad and diverse membership makes possible collaboration among
governments and non-governmental organizations. 

its history, the Federation has been active in advancing the concerns of the
mentally ill before international forums, both private and governmental, and
in supporting the efforts of its member organizations at the national and
regional level.

Federation is accredited as a consultant to the United Nations and its specialized
agencies, working closely with the World Health Organization, UNESCO, the
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the UN Commission on Human Rights, the
International Labour Organization and others.  



mission of the World Federation for Mental Health is to promote, among all
people and nations, the highest possible level of mental health in its broadest
biological, medical, educational, and social aspects.



World Federation envisions a world in which mental health is a priority for
all people.   Public policies and programs reflect the crucial importance
of mental health in the lives of individuals, families and communities, and
in the political and economic stability of the world.   The interdependence
of mental and physical health within the social environment is fully recognized.
  Serious and effective programs are focused on research, training and services
for promotion of mental health and optimal functioning, prevention of disorders,
and care and treatment of those with mental health problems throughout the
life cycle.   Those who experience mental, neurological and psychological
disorders are understood and accepted, and treated equitably in all aspects
of community life.



  • To heighten public awareness about the importance of mental health, and
    to gain understanding and improve attitudes about mental disorders.
  • To promote mental health and optimal functioning.
  • To prevent mental, neurological and psychosocial disorders.
  • To improve the care and treatment of those with mental, neurological and
    psychosocial disorders.

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