World Federation for Mental Health

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If you are not yet a member of the World Federation for Mental Health,
please join us now!

Membership offers you the following benefits:

    Membership in a worldwide, interdisciplinary network of people involved in mental health issues
    A quarterly newsletter to keep you informed of WFMH’s activities wordwide
    Annual World Mental Health Day information and planning kit for member organizations; others must request a copy.
    Lower registration at some WFMH sponsored meetings.

WFMH’s strength lies in our membership base. Your membership will enable us to work even more effectively to promote mental health in all its aspects for all the world’s people.

Fees for individual membership:

    Developed countries: $35
    Developing countries: $15

    Donations accepted to sponsor a membership ($15 minimum)
    Life member: $500
    Libraries: $35

Organizational membership fees vary based on the size and type of the organization. Contact us at the address below to receive an organizational membership kit.

To join, please either send your name, address,

preferred title (Dr., Ms., etc.) and check to:

Ms. D. Maguire, WFMH

P.O. Box 16810

Alexandria, Virginia,



Telephone: +1.703.838.7543

Fax: +1.703.519.7648

Email: [email protected]

Or you can fill out this form and we will mail membership information to you.


Address 1:
Address 2:

Zipcode/Postal Code:



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