~World Mental Health Day Report 1998~

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The World Mental Health Day celebration spreads out over an entire month of activities in Egypt. The Ismailia Mental Health Association, founded in September 1998, observed the Day as its first organized event, with a meeting attended by mental health professionals and chaired by Colonel Ezzat Shappan of the Faid Governorate. The Honorary Chairman of the Association, Minister Abdul Azeez Salama of the Governorate of Ismailia, agreed to develop a high level committee on mental health.

The Abbassia Mental Hospital held a party for its patients on 11 October, and invited patients from other hospitals. The Egyptian Ministry of Health helped to organize the event.

The Egyptian Doctors’ Syndicate and the Egyptian Association for Mental Health held a conference on 25 October to discuss the future of mental health services in the 21st century. Awards were given to pioneers in the field of mental health.

WFMH’s Eastern Mediterranean Region and the 10th of Ramadan Social Development Association organized a symposium on 28 October to discuss social change in the new industrial cities of Egypt.

Pride Egypt, headed by Ismail Osman, held a meeting on the prevention of substance abuse on 28 October. Those present included Professor Usry Abdul Mohsin, Professor of Psychiatry at Cairo University, Dr. Khaled El-Salah, Secretary General of the Arab Federation for the Prevention of Substance Abuse, Dr. Gamal El Azayem and Dr. Ahmed El Azayem.

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