World Federation for Mental Health

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Donate Online
The World Federation for Mental Health depends upon public donations to continue
its work. You can help!

Making a donation through our secure server is fast
and easy, and when we receive your donation, we will send you an acknowledgement
in the mail for your receipt. Click on the button below to make a donation.

Thank you for your support!!!

    Donate Now!

*Please note, that we are using a service provided by a third party for this
secure transaction. LIC ORG is what will appear on your credit card statement.

Donate by Phone

If you prefer to make a contribution over the phone, please call our Secretariat
Office at US+ 703.838.7525.

We will mail you the same acknowledgement for your

Donate by Mail

To send contributions by mail (in US dollars or any internationally exchangeable
currency) please make the check or money order out to the WFMH and send it
to the follow address:

PO BOX 16810
Alexandria, VA 22302-0810


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