Mayors of Canada Join Together In Proclaiming
World Mental Health Day 1998

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Mayors of Canada Join Together In Proclaiming

World Mental Health Day 1998

One of the best ways to get the attention of the media as well as the general public is to link the names of respected public officials in support of a worthy cause.

This past year in Canada, the “Mayor’s National Proclamation” was developed for World Mental Health Day 1998. It unites the leaders of towns and cities all across Canada in recognizing the importance of mental health awareness through World Mental Health Day. The Canadian Proclamation states, in simple and clear language, the crucial issues which will be recognized and addressed through all levels of involvement: individual, local and national.

The united effort of 44 communities reflects Canada’s positive commitment to finding solutions for the issues raised in their Proclamation. The involvement of so many prominent people also sends a strong message to individual citizens who have felt the need to hide mental illness, or have been hesitant to seek treatment.

As the World Federation for Mental Health focuses on the theme of “Mental Health and Ageing” in 1999, World Mental Health Day participants are encouraged to spread the information that older persons have every right to remain integrated in society, and to continue sharing their knowledge and skills with others. Whether young or old, good health includes an optimal level of mental functioning and a sense of emotional well-being. When abrupt personality or behavioral changes occur in older persons, stigma has traditionally spread the false message that shame or embarrassment are acceptable and normal reactions. Through education and awareness, this is changing. Individuals should no longer allow stigma or a lack of understanding make them afraid to seek help for friends, family members — or for themselves.

For more information on this program, please contact the World Federation for Mental Health.

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