Whereas the United Nations has designated 1999 as the “International Year of Older Persons — Towards A Society For All Ages” and the Principles of Older Persons was adopted by the UN General Assembly (resolution 46/91) on 16 December 1991, clearly recognizing the special needs and protection of rights for older persons, and Because mental…


The countries listed below, (as of press time) have been represented by organizations signing on as World Mental Health Day Endorsers for 2000 and beyond. Endorsing organizations pledge their involvement through support of the international World Mental Health Day (WMHD) campaign, and when possible, by planning, publicizing and participating in local activities. To obtain more…

~News from the Regions~

Yemen The Regional Vice President, Professor Hassan Kassim Khan,has sent a year-end report to the Secretariat reviewing activities in 1998,and noting increased attention in the region to training mental healthprofessionals for work in community primary health care programs. He attendeda conference in Syria at the University of Damascus (20-25 May1998) which reviewed the work of…