WFMH: 2001 Annual Report

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At the United Nations

The Federation remains
active in drawing the attention of the United Nations community
to mental health issues and gives strong
support to the NGO Committee on Mental Health, New York.
WFMH played a role in founding the Committee in 1996, and
its Main Representative,
Nancy Wallace, was its chair until June 2001. Her last responsibility
in that capacity was to arrange a symposium at UN Headquarters
on 5 April for WHO’s World Health Day on the theme, “Mental Health – Stop Exclusion:
Dare to Care.” The co-sponsors were WHO, the UN Department of Public
Information, and the two NGO Committees on Mental Health
and on Ageing. Speakers included Leon Eisenberg, Professor
of Psychiatry Emeritus at
Harvard Medical School; Eero Latinen, Senior Medical Officer
in Finland’s Ministry of Social Affairs and Health; Jose
Miguel Caldas de Almeida,
Mental Health Coordinator at the Pan American Health Organization;
and D Myrna Lewis of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New
York. The Government of Finland sponsored a reception afterwards, featuring
by Marjatta
Rasi, Finland’s Permanent Representative to the UN.

Ms. Wallace remains involved in many areas
of advocacy at the UN on behalf of the Federation. She
currently serves on the Executive Committee
as Past Chair of the UN NGO Committee on Mental Health. She
attended the March 2001 session of the Commission on the
Status of Women, together
with UN Representative Ricki Kantrowitz and Board member
Chueh Chang. Professor Chang arranged to bring several
WFMH members from the Asia-Pacific
region to attend the Commission meetings and organized a
special panel on “Mental Health Needs for Women of the Asia-Pacific Region.” Ms. Wallace
helped to arrange a program at the UN for World Mental Health Day in
October, which focused on the multiple consequences of September 11 on
mental health. At the end of the year she also organized and chaired
a program to mark the UN’s Human Rights Day and the Ten Year Anniversary
of UN Resolution 46/117 – “The Protection of Persons with Mental Illness
and the Improvement of Mental Health Care.”

Ricki Kantrowitz, a longtime Federation UN
Representative, is the Chair of the Working Group on Gender
Perspectives for the UN NGO Committee
on Mental Health. She led a successful campaign to include
mental health on the agenda at the meeting of the UN Commission
on the Status of Women
in March. She helped organize an important panel during the
Commission, “HIV/AIDS,
Women, and Mental Health.”

Anie Kalayjian, also a Federation UN Representative, chaired a major
conference for NGOs in September for the UN Department of Information.
This annual meeting, with a theme about the diversity of the volunteer
experience, opened on September 10 with participants from 92 countries.
It was disrupted by the evacuation of UN Headquarters on September 11,
but managed to reconvene briefly two days later.

We note here the remarkable presence of mind of one of the Federation’s
UN representatives, Haydee Montenegro, who witnessed the collapse of
the twin towers on September 11 from the New Jersey side of the Hudson
River, went immediately to her local Fire Department, and found herself
assigned at once to do triage work with people being evacuated from Manhattan.
Later in the day she was sent to the hospital closest to the World Trade
Center, and did emergency response work at several locations in lower
Manhattan for the following two weeks.

Two new persons were appointed to represented WFMH at the UN in New
York during 2001. Pamela Y. Collins, M.D., M.P.H., is working on advocacy
issues related to HIV/AIDS and stigma and discrimination related to ethnicity,
gender and mental illness. Carol L. Kessler, M.D., is the Federation’s
liaison to UNICEF.

The WFMH UN Representatives are:
Stanislas Flache

UN New York
Nancy E. Wallace (Main Representative)
Pamela Y. Collins
Anie S. Kalayjian
Ricki E. Kantrowitz
Carol L. Kessler
Haydee Montenegro

Madeleine Riviere

Gertraud Cerwenka

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