WFMH: 2001 Annual Report

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The central decision-making and
operational units of WFMH are its elected Board of Directors, led by
the Federation’s
President who holds office for a two-year term, and the
Secretariat. An assembly of voting member
associations, which ratifies certain Board decisions and
elects Board members and officers, meets yearly but is
most active during the biennial
World Congress. An Executive Committee of officers (president,
president elect, immediate past president, honorary secretary,
treasurer, membership
secretary and a representative chosen by the Regional Vice
Presidents) is empowered to transact Federation business
in the intervals between

The World Federation for Mental Health was
founded in 1948 at the Third International Congress of
Mental Hygiene in London. Its origins can be
linked to the earlier work of Clifford Beers, after his traumatic
experience as a mental hospital patient. They are also
linked to the peace movement
after World War II, and the idea contained in the WFMH founding
document “Mental
Health and World Citizenship” that the ultimate goal of mental health
is to help people “live with their fellows in one world.” Within this
broad context the Federation’s specific mission was seen as promoting
the mental health of the world’s peoples in its “social, educational,
medical and biological aspects.”

The early goals of the Federation allowed
mental health association volunteers and professionals
to direct attention to the social circumstances
of people’s lives. After 1983 the mission increasingly emphasized the
human rights of people defined as mentally ill or at risk for such illness,
their capacity to contribute to the formation and management of mental
health services, and improving efforts to encourage their participation
in Federation activities. Consumers have now become more interested in
the Federation’s work, while pursuing their own goals of presenting their
opinions independently.

Membership and Organization
WFMH has 63
voting member organizations which are national or international in scope
(see the back cover). There are also 58 non-voting local, state
or provincial affiliate organizations, and 1,361 individual

In 1983 the WFMH Board of Directors voted to make the formation of
Regional Councils or coalitions of member associations a high priority.
Four Regional Councils are currently active, those for Africa; Central
American, Mexico and the Spanish Caribbean; the Eastern Mediterranean;
and Europe. A Council formed for South America during preparations for
the World Congress in Chile in 1999 later became inactive. For various
reasons Regional Councils have not been formed for North America, Oceania,
Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific.

Since 1986 a network of university-based collaborating centers has
been created to carry on our advocacy mission and to provide a technical-scientific
basis for advocacy. At the present time there are eight of these centers.
We also have a network of topic-oriented committees or working groups,
some established on an ad hoc local basis and others working at an international
level, to focus interest on particular areas of concern.

In 2001 Max Abbott undertook
a thorough revision of the Manual of Policy and Procedures, which was
reviewed by the Board at its Vancouver meeting.
Since then a group consisting of Max Abbott, Tony Fowke,
Richard Hunter, Janet Meagher and Edward Pennington has continued to
work on the Manual
to deal with items needing further attention. They will report
to the Board at its September 2002 meeting in London..

The Secretariat’s communications
program – Annual Report, quarterly newsletters and web site – is
supported by generous grants from an anonymous
donor. It also receives welcome office support from the Sheppard
Pratt Health System, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.


The Annual Report of the World Federation for Mental Health is prepared
by Elena Berger, Director of Communications. Senior Advisor and Consultant
for Communications: Eugene B. Brody, M.D.

WFMH Publications Office
Sheppard Pratt Health System
P.O.Box 6815
Baltimore, MD 21285-6815
Tel: 410 938 3180
Fax: 410 938 3183
Email: [email protected]

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