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Click here to view the world-wide list of Women Leaders.

Some of the most respected public

figures in any country include the women heads of state, wives of royal

leaders, or wives of top elected officials. 

The International Women Leaders for Mental Health is a listing of

individuals who share in the global concern for the care and treatment of those

with mental and emotional disorders, and in the prevention of such

disorders.  These women can help you

promote mental health awareness in your community.


In building public interest and support for the cause of Mental

Health, it is important to be able to show that highly respected public leaders

are also interested and concerned.


To provide an opportunity for addressing national mental health

concerns, the World Federation for Mental Health has created the International

Committee of Women Leaders for Mental Health. 

Mrs. Rosalynn Carter, former first lady of the United States, is the

founding chair and lead member.


On the following page you will find a list of the women leaders

who are now active members of the committee. 

If the woman leader from your country is included, you are encouraged to

invite her to become the honorary chair of your World Mental Health Day

Committee.  There are several ways in

which she may be willing to carry out this responsibility, such as making a

statement to the communications media, presenting awards to dedicated mental

health care workers, or participating as the guest of honor at a dinner event.


If your woman leader is not listed and you would like to see your

country represented, please fill out the form on the other side of this page,

which will be forwarded through the WFMH office to Mrs. Carter.  The listing of International Women Leaders for

Mental Health provides examples of women with appropriate status to represent

their countries.  Mrs. Carter’s office

will review your form and with approval, Mrs. Carter will extend a personal

invitation to your woman leader, requesting her involvement on the Committee.


In designing your events for World Mental Health Day, we suggest

that you include ways in which your woman leader can help your organization

carry out its plans.  Your woman

leader’s patronage will be a valuable asset in bringing widespread and

favorable public attention to your World Mental Health Day celebrations!

International Women Leaders For Mental


Please refer to the list of International Women Leaders for Mental

Health.  It provides examples and role

models of women leaders of appropriate status to represent their countries.


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