Annual Report 2001

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The Federation enthusiastically supported WHO’s World Health Day message in April on the need for more attention to mental health within the context of primary health care, public health policy and public education. WHO’s campaign continued throughout the year, and references to related WFMH activities are noted in the section on Regions. Ahmed El Azayem, President of WFMH until July 2001, attended WHO’s launch event in Geneva on 6 April for the year’s international program of mental health promotion. Immediately afterwards he returned to Egypt, where WFMH’s Eastern Mediterranean Regional Council joined with WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office to present a conference supporting the WHO campaign. The meeting was opened by Egypt’s Minister of Health and Population, Dr. Ismail Salaam. The program generally followed WHO’s emphasis on raising the standards of public health administration, but some sections reflected Dr. El Azayem’s special concerns, such as increasing attention to the mental health of infants by giving them a caring start in life. The program also addressed specialized care for older people. Participants came from Egypt, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Sudan, and WFMH was represented by Board members from Finland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Later in the year the Federation’s regional groups had opportunities to support the release in October of WHO’s World Health Report, devoted entirely to mental health. In Europe the WHO Regional Office for Europe worked with Mental Health Europe (the European Regional Council of WFMH) to use World Mental Health Day on 10 October for activities to mark the Report’s release. The WHO Regional Office designated 10 October as the official regional “launch” date, and arranged for key staff members to attend events in several cities. MHE encouraged its national member organizations to use the date to publicize the release. The Report had its African launch in Harare on 23 October, and WFMH’s Regional Vice President for Africa, Elizabeth Matare, gave the opening address at the subsequent conference (24-26 October) on community-based psychosocial rehabilitation programs after emergency situations. Three WFMH Board members, President Elect Patt Franciosi, Sylvia Caras and John Copeland attended the Pan American Health Organization’s launch of the Report on 7 November, together with three staff members.

Regular contacts with WHO’s Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence, headed by Benedetto Saraceno, are facilitated by Stanislas Flache, WFMH’s Permanent Representative in Geneva. Dr. Flache attended the 2001 WHO Executive Board and Assembly meetings in Geneva as an observer and was in frequent communication with the WHO Department throughout the year. He also maintained contacts with the UN High Commission on Human Rights, and with Geneva NGOs interested in mental health and human rights.

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