World Mental Health Day 2003 10 October

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World Mental Health Day 2003, which takes place on 10 October, is a program established by the World Federation for Mental Health. This year it will focus attention and concern on the identification, treatment and prevention of emotional and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents.

The selection of this theme reflects the commitment the World Federation for Mental Health has made to raising worldwide awareness and advocacy concerning the devastating effects of emotional and behavioral disorders on children and adolescents in all countries. It also calls attention to the pressing need to promote enlightened public policy, increase availability of treatment services, and develop and implement effective preventive strategies in order to reduce the suffering of children and their families.

Certainly, the need is great. According to the World Health Organization, worldwide, up to 20% of children and adolescents have an impairing mental illness. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among adolescents. Child and adolescent mental disorders impact the development of individuals throughout their lives.

The barriers to effective treatment are numerous, but reflect two dominant themes stigma and lack of resources (financial, human, facilities). These barriers are evident in both developed and developing countries.

For child and adolescent emotional and behavioral disorders, which are known to progress and worsen into adulthood, the impact of inattention to treatment for later morbidity and mortality is demonstrable. These are just a few of the facts that make this years World Mental Health Day theme so important and timely.

Once again, WFMH has enlisted a distinguished international panel of science advisors to provide advice and assistance in the preparation of materials for the campaign materials packet. Members of the 2003 World Mental Health Day International Panel of Science Advisors are:

Javad Alaghband-Rad, MD, Iran

Michael Aman, PhD, United States

Myron Belfer, MD, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

William Beardslee, MD, United States

Pamela Cantor, MD, United States

John Copeland, MD, United Kingdom

John Fayyad, MD, Lebanon

Luis Herrera, MD, Costa Rica

Peter Jensen, MD, United States

Eve Moscicki, Sc.D., United States

Beverley Raphael, MD, Australia

Helmut Remschmidt, MD, Germany

Brian Robertson, MD, South Africa

Work is now under way to prepare the tools for a global year-round awareness and information effort. The 2003 campaign will include a dedicated website through which resource materials will be made readily available for use by grassroots organizations. The material will include a variety of easy-to-reproduce fact sheets and handouts; materials designed especially for use by early childhood development workers, elementary school teachers and guidance counselors to provide parents with information about mental and emotional health; and a guide to citizen advocacy for children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders. This years packet will also include our popular World Mental Health Day sample proclamations and media releases for use in promoting your campaign activities.

Now is the time to start planning for World Mental Health Day 2003. The Campaign Packets will be available by mid-June sign up to reserve your copy now by going to, the special WFMH web site dedicated to World Mental Health Day.

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