~World Mental Health Day Theme for 2000~

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~World Mental Health Day Theme for 2000~

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The ninth annual World Mental Health Day (WMHD) will be observed on 10 October 2000. The WMHD theme for the next two years — 2000 and 2001 — is Mental Health and Work, a subject which has tremendous importance for everyone as we move into the new millennium.

There are many individual and societal mental health issues that fall under this theme in both developing and developed countries. The World Mental Health Day Planning Kit, now evolving into a planning workbook, will strive to address these issues. There are many thousands of workers whose basic human rights are violated through trafficking, exploitation and unsafe working conditions. In industrialized nations, disabling, on-the-job stress has led to an unheralded crises of productivity. Those who labor outside of the recognized workforce also face mental health and work issues. This is a theme that concerns and affects everyone within our global community.

An international groundswell of public support continues to gain momentum for World Mental Health Day. By signing and returning the enclosed Endorsement form, you will be validating the Day’s value in focusing public and government attention on mental wellness issues. You will also be representing your country, as an involved member of the worldwide mental health movement.

Please notice that there are two boxes near the bottom of the endorsement form. When returning your endorsement, you can check the first box to receive a copy of the 1999 World Mental Health Day Annual Report, which for the first time features several photographs of WMHD events from all around the world. If you wish to take advantage of the Planning Kit’s availability on our website, you will now have the opportunity to download all of the material, (once kit assembly is completed this Spring). By checking the second box on the endorsement form, you are indicating that you will not need to receive a printed copy of the WMHD 2000 Planning Kit.

We encourage you to share this endorsement form with other mental health organizations in your community. Thanks for helping the Federation to make WMHD 2000 an instrument for influencing positive change and improving the lives of people all around the world!


Richard C. Hunter

Deputy Secretary General

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