~World Mental Health Day Report for 2000~

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~World Mental Health Day Report for 2000~

Report for 2000

For the first time WFMH is engaged in a two-year campaign, using the theme “Mental Health and Work” for World Mental Health Day 2000 and 2001. The extended campaign gives recognition to the importance of the links between work and mental health, and to the many workplace issues which give cause for concern.

The International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization joined WFMH at a Symposium held at ILO headquarters in Geneva on 10 October to review issues such as productivity demands and workplace stress, the need for careful employer policies, and the importance of work opportunities for people who have experienced mental illness. ILO Director-General Juan Somavia gave the keynote address . Both organizations marked the event with the publication of important new studies on workplace mental health. In addition, a co-ordinated media campaign obtained widespread coverage in Europe and North America. On 12 October the ILO provided technical support for a four-hour program at UN headquarters in New York arranged by the NGO Committee on Mental Health.

Around the world many people participated in activities on or close to 10 October to increase public knowledge about the WFMH theme or about other aspects of mental health that are of importance in their areas. Our report shares a selection of these locally-funded programs and may provide colleagues with ideas for the current year. WFMH is currently preparing a World Mental Health Day Planning Kit for 2001 with more topics on “Mental Health and Work.” It will be placed on the WFMH website at www.wfmh.org and sent out to those on the mailing list (contact [email protected] or write to the Secretariat).

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