~WFMH World Congress~

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~WFMH World Congress~

Chile, 5-10 September 1999
The Federation’s next World Congress will take place inSantiago, Chile, on 5-10 September at the “Edificio Diego Portales” conferencecenter. The theme is “Interfaces in Mental Health: Poverty, Quality of Lifeand Society.” The conference center is centrally located withinwalkingdistance of most hotels, and facilities include a mainauditorium seating 2,500 people and 17 rooms for simultaneous sessions.

The languages of the Congress are Spanish and English. Translation will be available at the main sessions and for some other parts ofthe program. The Second Announcement and Call for Papers will be publishedearly in 1999. People may reply to the Call for Papers in Spanish orEnglish, and papers and workshop presentations may be given in eitherlanguage.

The President of the Organizing Committee is WFMH RegionalVice President Benjamin Vicente, M.D., with Eduardo Medina as Vice President,Pedro Rioseco as Secretary General of the Congress, and Luis Ramirez asTreasurer. The original organizing committee has merged with the Board of the”Congreso de Salud Mental 1999″ Corporation which was formed to take chargeof the conference. In addition there is a South American OrganizingCommittee with representation from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. The organizers hopethat the conference will have a substantial impact on the understandingof mental health issues in South America and are looking for a largeattendance from those countries.

Professor Benjamin Vicente, M.D.
University of Concepcion,
Casilla 60-C, Concepcion, Chile
Fax: 56 41 312 799
Email: [email protected]

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