Sample News Release

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Sample News Release

World Federation for Mental Health
1021 Prince Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-2971 USA

Local Contact & Telephone FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

USA Contact: Pam McKinley (tel: 703.838.7525; fax 703.519.7648;
e-mail: [email protected])

(City, State, Region) – The eighth annual World Mental Health Day will celebrate “Mental Health and Ageing” in observance the United Nations’ International Year of Older Persons, Towards A Society for All Ages. The Day will be observed on October 10, 1999, and will reaffirm that the fundamental rights of older people are the same as those of all other citizens.

“It is an important time to draw our focus to the special mental health care needs of older people,” said Marten deVries, President of the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH). “Working towards an age-integrated society will be one of the essential challenges of our immediate and long-range future.”

The annual public education campaign raises worldwide awareness of mental health issues and is sponsored by WFMH, and co-sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO).

World Mental Health Day will be observed on six continents. A variety of public awareness activities including ceremonies, marches, receptions, and educational conferences, will call attention to the fact that people with mental illnesses cannot be discriminated against. The following includes objectives listed in the “United Nations Principles for Older Persons”:

  • Independence — Older persons have the right to basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing; meaningful work; self determination; education and training; a safe and stable living environment.

  • Participation — Older persons have the right to remain integrated in society, to be involved in community activities, and to interact and form movements or associations with other older persons.

  • Care — Older persons have the right to an optimum sense of well-being through physical, mental and emotional health care; social and legal services; autonomy; and fundamental respect for their privacy and dignity.

  • Self fulfillment — Older persons have the right to pursue opportunities for the full development of their potential and to access the educational, cultural, spiritual and recreational resources of society.

  • Dignity — Older persons have the right to live free of exploitation and physical or mental abuse and to be treated fairly regardless of age, disability, gender, racial or ethnic backgound.

Here in [local community name], a [type of event] is being organized by [name of organization] to observe World Mental Health Day. Last year, the [event] was successful in attracting broad attention and community response to the importance of mental health.

[Provide information about local organization.]

The World Federation of Mental Health is an international non-profit organization founded in 1948 to advance, among all people and nations, the prevention of mental and emotional disorders, the proper treatment and care of those with such disorders, and the promotion of mental health. The Federation achieves its goals through public education programs such as World Mental Health Day, research through collaborating centers at major universities, consultation to the United Nations and its specialized agencies, and a regional structure for organizing project work at the community level.

For more information about World Mental Health Day, contact the World Federation for Mental Health, 1021 Prince Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 22314, USA, by telephone at (703) 838-7525; by fax at (703) 519-7648; or by e-mail at <[email protected]>.

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