(Last Updated On: )


On the back cover of this kit you will find the names of corporations which believe in the importance of mental health public education and have invested in making World Mental Health Day possible.

As you will note, the major underwriter is:

Pfizer CNS

Generous support was also provided by:


Providing supplementary funding was:

Bristol-Myers Squibb

The interest of these corporations is not limited to funding this kit, but may extend to assistance in the preparation and implementation of events in your community. Consult with them to see what role they would like to play. If you are unable to find representatives of these companies listed locally, please contact the World Federation for Mental Health for assistance.

If you receive local support, express your appreciation publicly to the companies which provide that support.

It is our policy not to engage in the identification of specific products. The responsibility for recommending products lies with the persons who are professionally qualified to determine which products are right for which conditions.

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