News from the Regions

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Eastern Mediterranean Region: Israel

Two meetings of note will take place in Israel in the second half of the year.

An International Seminar on Violence and Adolescence will be held in Jerusalem, Israel, on 15-18 November 1999. It is chaired by Dr. Emanuel Chigier, who heads the WFMH Committee on Adolescents, and is organized by the Israel Society for Adolescent Health in association with the Committee. The topics to be covered include a a cross-national survey of adolescent violence in Europe; bullying in high schools; gang violence; the influence of the mass media; sexual violence in adolescence; the love-jealousy-violence cycle; the role of drug and alcohol abuse; prevention of adolescent suicide; medico-legal and judicial aspects; and treatment of violent adolescent delinquents.

The format of the meeting will be a series of workshops run by international experts, with sessions on selected related subjects, free papers, poster presentations and audio-visual presentations. The Seminar is designed to be of interest to doctors including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, health educators, youth workers and anthropologists. Pre- and post-conference tours are available and evening social programs have been arranged. For information, contact: ISAS International Seminars, P.O.BOX 34001, Jerusalem 91344, Israel. Tel: 972 2 6520574. Fax: 972 2 6520558. Email: [email protected]

An international conference on children’s rights and religion will be held in Nazareth on 21-24 November 1999. This meeting on the topic “Entering the New Millenium: Children’s Rights and Religion at a Crossroads,” marks the 10th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and will feature a dialogue on the rights of children in the context of the 1981 UN Declaration of Freedom and Belief. The conference is being organized by Dr. Philip Veerman, Director of Defence for Children International – Israel Section, and co-chaired by Dr. Sami Adwan of Wia’m Palestine: Center for Conflict Resolution, in collaboration with the Municipality of Nazareth.

Dr. Veerman says that “the conference will serve as a symbol of cooperation and dialogue to the troubled Nazareth community, bringing together disparate communities in a dialogue on the neglected issue of children’s rights within Judaism, Christianity and Islam.” However the organizers intend it to have more than local significance. The meeting will include Israeli, Palestinian, Palestinian-Israeli and international participants including religious leaders, children’s rights activists, academics and teachers. In addition to the panels and workshops there will be a program of cultural events, and the conference will provide transport to Amman, Jordan, on 24 November for the World Conference on Religion and Peace.

For information about the Conference on Children’s Rights and Religion, contact:

Nazareth Conference Secretariat, P.O.Box 8028, Jerusalem 92384. Fax: 972 2 563 1241.

To contact the conference co-chairs: Dr. Philip Veerman, DCI-Israel, tel. 972 2 563 3003 and email: [email protected] and Dr, Sami Adwan, Wia’m Palestine: Center for Conflict Resolution, tel. 972 2 277 0513 or 972 2 274 1243 and email: [email protected]

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