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Multicultural Mental Health Australia (MMHA) has released a
number of new mental health resources with a couple of leading
agencies. MMHA launched its “What Is…” series of mental health
fact sheets in over 20 languages at the recent Diversity In
Health Conference in Sydney. The 10 topics cover issues
surrounding mental illness, anxiety, bipolar mood disorder,
eating disorders, depression, personality disorders,
schizophrenia, challenging behaviors and suicide. The fact
sheets are available in Amharic, Arabic, Assyrian, Chinese,
Croatian, Dari, Dinka, English, Farsi, Greek, Italian, Khmer,
Korean, Krio, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Spanish,
Swahili, Turkish and Vietnamese. The series has also been
adapted for people with a print
disability. MMHA and Australia*s leading provider of blindness
and low vision services, Vision Australia, have produced the
series into braille, large print, electronic text for the
internet and audio formats such as CD, cassette and DAISY for
those with a print disability.

In addition to these new
resources, MMHA has also released a new series of bilingual
resources with beyondblue: the national depression initiative.
The fact sheets which previously were only available in English
have now been produced in Arabic, Assyrian, Bosnian, Khmer,
Croatian, Dari, Farsi, Greek,
Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Macedonian, Polish, Punjabi,
Russian, Serbian, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Somalian,
Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese. The resources
include: The Depression Checklist, Understanding Depression,
Living and Caring for a Person with Depression, How Can You Help

Someone with Depression? Depression and antidepressant
medication and Emotional Health During Pregnancy and Early

These new resources are all
free and can be ordered directly from the MMHA office – 02 9840
3333 or downloaded from



Resources in
Transcultural Mental Health

  • NEW!
    Culture and Mental Health: Current Issues in Transcultural
    Mental Health. From the Australian Transcultural Mental Health
    Centre. Monograph Series includes the
    following publications:

    • Phan, Tuong Thi and
      Margaret Fitzgerald. Guide for the Use of Focus Groups in
      Health Research
      . 1996.
    • McDonald and Zachary
      Steel. Immigrants and Mental Health: An Epidemiological
      . 1997.
    • Fitzgerald, Maureen H. et
      al. Occupational Therapy, Culture and Mental Health. 1997.
    • Ferguson, Barbara and
      Diane Barnes. Perspectives on Transcultural Mental Health.
    • Fitzgerald, Maureen H. et
      al. Hear Our Voices: Trauma, Birthing and Mental Health
      among Cambodian Women
      . 1998.
    • Ferguson, Barbara and
      Eileen Pittaway. Nobody Wants to Talk About It – Refugee
      Women’s Mental Health
      . 1999.
    • Bashir, Marie and David
      Bennett. Deeper Dimensions – Culture, Youth and Mental
      . 2000.
    • Raphael, Beverley and
      Abd-Elmasih Malak. Diversity and Mental Health in
      Challenging Times
      . 2001
    • Barnes, Diane. Asylum
      Seekers and Refugees in Australia: Issues of Mental Health
      and Wellbeing
      . 2003.
  • Marsella, Anthony J. and Ann Marie Yamada.
    “Culture and Pathology: Foundations, Issues, and Directions”
    in S. Kitayama & D. Cohen (Eds.) Handbook of Cultural
    . New York: Guilford Publications, May
  • Marsella, Anthony J. and Ann Marie Yamada.
    “Culture and Mental Health: An Introduction and Overview of
    Foundations, Concepts, and Issues” in Israel Cuellar and
    Freddy A. Paniagua, Eds. Handbook of Multicultural
    Mental Health: Assessment and Treatment of Diverse
    . Academic Press, 2000.
  • Ahnert, L., Kraetzig, S.,
    Meischner, T. & Schmidt, A. (1994). In Crittenden, P. M. &
    Claussen, A. H. (Eds.). (2000). The Organization of
    Attachment Relationships: Maturation, Culture, and Context
    (pp. 61–74). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Alarcon R., Hart, D.
    “Clinical Case Presentations: Cultural Issues in the
    Emergency Room Setting.” Psychiatric Issues in Emergency
    Care Setting 2006; 5:44, pp. 23-26.
  • Alarcon R., Hart, D.
    “Cultural Competence: The Influence of Culture in Emergency
    Psychiatry,” Psychiatric Issues in Emergency Care Setting
    2006; 5:44, pp. 13-21.
  • Bhugra, Ahmad K,
    “Depression Across Ethnic Minority Cultures: Diagnostic
    Issues.” Official Journal of World Association of Cultural
    Psychiatry, WCPRR Apr/Jul2007:47-5622007wacp ISSN;1932-6270.
  • Bolker, P. and Richards,
    B. (2004) “Speaking the Same Language? A Qualitative Study
    of Therapists’ Experiences of Working in English with
    Proficient Bilinguals,” Psychodynamic Practice, November:
  • Cuéllar, Israel and
    Paniagua, Freddy A. Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health.
    Academic Press. 2000.
  • De Jong, Joop. Public
    Mental Health in Socio-Cultural Context. (Transcultural
    Psychosocial Organization. Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 2002
  • Fernando, Suman. Cultural
    Diversity, Mental Health and Psychiatry: The Struggle
    Against Racism, Taylor and Francis, 2007.
  • Hernandez, Mario and
    Mareasa R. Isaacs. Promoting Cultural Competence in
    Children’s Mental Health Services. Paul H. Brooks Publishing
    Co., 1998.
  • Islam S, “The Issue: When
    Words Can’t Describe the Pain,” Transcultural Psychiatry,
    June 2004.
  • Jha, S.K. “Transcultural
    Aspects of Women’s Mental Health – a View from India and
    Denmark” European Psychiatry. Volume 17, Supplement 1, May
    2002. pp.53-53(1).
  • Kirmayer, Laurence J. Ed.
    Transcultural Psychiatry. Published in Association with
    Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry at McGill
  • Kleinman, A., Patel, V.
    (2003) “Poverty and Common Mental Disorders in
    Developing Countries,” Bulletin of the World Health
    Organization, 81:609-615.
  • Knox, S., Burkard, A. W.,
    Johnson, A. J., Ponterotto, J. G., & Suzuki, L. A. (2003).
    “African-American and European American Therapists’
    Experiences of Addressing Race in Cross-Racial Psychotherapy
    Dyads.” Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50(4), p. 466-481.
  • Leininger, Madeleine and
    McFarland, Marilyn R. Transcultural Nursing: Concepts,
    Theories, Research & Practice. McGraw-Hill, 2002.
  • Miller, E. & Rasco, Lisa,
    Eds. Ecological Approach to Healing and Adaptation. 2004
  • Okpaku, Samuel. O. Ed.
    Clinical Methods in Transcultural Psychiatry, American
    Psychiatry Press, Washington, DC, 1998, 458 pp.
  • Oquendo, M. (1996)
    “Psychiatric Evaluation and Psychotherapy in the Patient’s
    Second Language” Psychiatric Services, June: 614-620.
  • Romano, J. L., Goh, M., &
    Wahl, K. H. (2005). “School Counseling in the United States:
    Implications for the Asia-Pacific Region.” Asia Pacific
    Education Review, 6(2), 113-123.
  • Tseng, WS; Handbook of
    Cultural Psychiatry. Academic Press, 2001.



Migrant Mental Health

  • Aronowitz, M. (1984). “The
    Social and Emotional Adjustment of Immigrant Children: A
    Review of Literature.” International Migration Review,
    18(2), 237-257.
  • Brilliant, J. J. (2000).
    “Issues in Counseling Immigrant College Students.” Community
    College Journal of Research and Practice, 24, 577-587.
    Retrieved August 20, 2006, from the EBSCOhost database.
  • Carlin, J.E. (1990)
    “Refugee and Immigrant Populations at Special Risk: Women,
    Children and the Elderly.” In W.H. Holtzman & T.H. Bornemann
    (Eds) Mental Health of Immigrants and Refugees. Austin: Hogg
    Foundation for Mental Health.
  • Chi-Ying Chung, R. &
    Kagawa-Singer, M. (1993) “Predictors of Psychological
    Distress among Southeast Asian Refugees.” Soc. Sci. Med.,
    36(5) 631-639.
  • Connections – Newsletters
    on Refugee Mental Health. U.S. Committee for Refugees and
    Immigrants, Washington, D.C. 2000-2002.
  • Desrosiers, A., and St.
    Fleurose, S. (2002) “Treating Haitian Patients: Key Cultural
    Aspects.” American Journal of Psychotherapy. 56(4), 508-521.
  • Ehntholt, Kimberly &
    William Yule. (2006). “Practitioner Review: Assessment and
    Treatment of Refugee Children and Adolescents who have
    Experienced War-Related Trauma.” Journal of Child Psychology
    and Psychiatry, 47(12), pp. 1197-1210.
  • Fazel, M. & A. Stein
    (2005). “The Mental Health of Refugee Children.” Archives of
    Disease in Childhood, 87, pp. 366-370.
  • Fazel, Mina, Jeremy
    Wheeler and John Danesh. (2005). “Prevalence of Serious
    Mental Disorders in 7000 Refugees Resettled in Western
    Countries: a Systematic Review.” The Lancet, 365, 1309-1314.
  • Giorgis, Tedla W.
    Multicultural Counseling: Training Manual for Counselors of
    Refugee Clients, Second Edition. Washington, D.C. 2004.
    Copies available from D.C. Office of Refugee Resettlement,
    2146 24th Place, N.E., Washington, DC 20018.
  • Hodes, (2002)
    “Implications for Psychiatric Services of Chronic Civilian
    Strife: Young Refugees in the UK”. Advances in Psychiatric
    Treatment, 8 :333-374.
  • Hodes, Matthew. (2002).
    “Three Key Issues for Young Refugees’ Mental Health.”
    Transcultural Psychiatry, 39(2), 196-213.
  • Hovey, J.D. & Magana, C.
    (2002) “Exploring the Mental Health of Mexican Migrant Farm
    Workers in the Midwest: Psychological Predictors of
    Psychological Distress and Suggestions for Prevention and
    Treatment.” Journal of Psychology. 130(5), 493-513.
  • Ingleby, David, Ed. Forced
    Migration and Mental Health: Rethinking the Care of Refugees
    and Displaced Persons. International and Cultural Psychology
    Series, University of Hawaii. Springer. 2005.
  • Jaranson J, Butcher, J,
    Halcon L, Johnson DR, Robertson C, Savik K, et al. “Somali
    and Oromo Refugees: Correlates of Torture and Trauma
    History.” American Journal of Public Health.
  • Khamphakdy-Brown, S.,
    Jones, L. N., Nilsson, J. E., Russell, E. B., & Klevens, C.
    L. (2006). “The Empowerment Program: An Application of an
    Outreach Program for Refugee and Immigrant Women.” Journal
    of Mental Health Counseling, 28, 38-47. Retrieved September
    20, 2006, from the EBSCOhost database.
  • Leanza, Y. (2005) “Roles
    of Community Interpreters in Pediatrics as seen by
    Interpreters, Physicians and Researchers.” Interpreting,
    7(2) pp167-192.
  • Lessons from the Field:
    Issues and Resources in Refugee Mental Health. U.S.
    Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Washington, D.C.,

  • Lim, Russell F. Clinical
    Manual of Cultural Psychiatry. American Psychiatric
    Publishing, Inc. 2006.
  • Multicultural Australia:
    United in Diversity “Updating the 1999 New Agenda for
    Multicultural Australia: Strategic directions for 2003-2006”

  • Nicolas, G., DeSilva, A.M.
    & Gonzalez-Eastep, D. (2006) “Using a Cultural Lens to
    Understand Illness among Haitians Living in America.”
    Professional Psychology, Research and Practice. 37(6),
  • O’Shea, B., Hodes, M.,
    Down, G., et al (2000) “A School Based Mental Health Service
    for Refugee Children.” Clinical Child Psychology and
    Psychiatry, 5, 189–201.
  • Papageorgiou,V.
    Frangou-Garunovic, A., Lordanidou, R., Yule, W., Smith, P. &
    Vostanis, P. (2000) “War Trauma and Psychopathology in
    Bosnian Refugee Children.” European Child and Adolescent
    Psychiatry, 9(2), 84-90.
  • Population Division of the
    Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United
    Nations Secretariat, Trends in Total Migrant Stock: The 2005
    Revision COAG National Action Plan on Mental Health

  • Portes, A., & Rumbaut,
    R.G. (2006) Immigrant America: A Portrait (3rd Edition)
    Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
  • Schweitzer, R., Melville,
    F., Steel, Z., Lacherez, P. (2006) “Trauma, Post-Migration
    Living Difficulties, and Social Support as Predictors of
    Psychological Adjustment in Resettled Sudanese Refugees.”
    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 40(2),
  • Simich, L., Beiser, M.,
    Mawani, F.N. (2003) “Social Support and the Significance of
    Shared Experience in Refugee Migration and Resettlement.”
    Western Journal of Nursing Research. 25(7), 872-891.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1998).
    “Enhancing Education Immigrants: The Role of Tacit
    Knowledge.” Educational Policy, 12, 705-718. Retrieved
    August 20, 2006, from the SAGE Social Science Collection
  • Suarez-Orozco, C. &
    Suarez-Orozco, M. (2001). Children of Immigration.
    Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • Tribe, (2002) “Mental
    Health of Refugees and Asylum Seekers.” Advances in
    Psychiatric Treatment, 8, 240-247.
  • Weine., S.M., Rassano, L.,
    Brkie, N. Ramic, A., Miller, K. Smajkiv, A. Bijeduc. Z.,
    Boskailo, E., Mermelstein, R., Pavkovic, I. (2000)
    “Profiling the Trauma Related Symptoms of Bosnian Refugees
    who have not Sought Mental Health Services.” Journal of
    Nervous and Mental Disease. 188(7), 416-421.
  • Williams, F. C. & Butler,
    S. K. (2003). “Concerns of Newly Arrived Immigrant Students:
    Implications for Counseling.” Professional School
    Counseling, 7, 9-14. Retrieved August 20 from EBSCOhost
  • Yan, Yorn. New Americans,
    New Promise: A Guide to the Refugee Journey in America.
    Fieldstone Alliance, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2006.

Culture and Violence

  • • Angel, B., Hjern, A. &
    Ingleby, D. (2001) “Effects of War and Organized Violence on
    Children: A Study of Bosnian Refugees in Sweden,” American
    Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 71(1), 4-15.
  • Bent-Goodley, T.B. (2005).
    “Culture and Domestic Violence.” Journal of Interpersonal
    Violence, 20 (2), 195-203
  • Sumter, M. (2006).
    “Domestic Violence and Diversity: A Call for Multicultural
    Services.” Journal of Health and Human Services
    Administration, 29, 178 – 141
  • Yoshioka, M.R. & Choi, D.Y.
    (2005) “Culture and Interpersonal Violence Research.
    Paradigm Shift to Create a Full Continuum of Domestic
    Violence Services.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20
    (4), 513-519.

Trauma and Mental Health

  • Baranowsky, A.B., Young,
    M., Johnson-Douglas, S., Williams-Keeler, L., and McCarrye,
    M. (1998) “PTSD Transmission: A Review of Secondary
    Traumatization of Holocaust Survivor Families.” Canadian
    Psychiatry. 39, 247-256.
  • Bender, S.M. (2004)
    “Transgenerational Effects of the Holocaust: Part, Present
    and Future,” Journal of Loss and Trauma, 9, 205-215.
  • Caspi Y, Carlson E, Klein
    E. (in print). “Validation of a Screening Instrument for
    PTSD in a Community Sample of Bedouin Men Serving in the
    Israeli Defense Forces.” JTS.
  • Ehntholt, Kimberly &
    William Yule. (2006). “Practitioner Review: Assessment and
    Treatment of Refugee Children and Adolescents who have
    Experienced War-Related Trauma.” Journal of Child Psychology
    and Psychiatry, 47(12), pp. 1197-1210.
  • Harvey, M. (1996) “An
    Ecological View of Psychological trauma and trauma
    recovery”. Journal of Traumatic Stress
  • Havakook YI. 1998.
    Footprints in the Sand: The Bedouin Trackers of the IDF.
    Israel: Ministry of Defense Publishing.
  • Hobfall, Steven E., and de
    Vries, Marten W. (1995) Extreme Stress and Communities:
    Impact and Intervention
  • Kleinman, A. (1995)
    “Violence, Culture, and the Politics of Trauma.” In Kleinman,
    A., Writing at the Margin: Discourse between Anthropology
    and Medicine. Berkeley University of California Press. pp.
  • Penk WE, Allen IM. 1991.
    “Clinical Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
    among American Minorities who Served in Vietnam.” JTS
  • Sutker PB, Davis JM, Uddo
    MM, Ditta SR. 1995. “Assessment of Psychological Distress in
    Persian Gulf Troops: Ethnicity and Gender Comparisons.” J
    Pers Assess 64:415-427.
  • Tuicomepee, A., & Romano,
    J. L. (2006). “Children and Adolescents in Natural
    Disasters: Psychological Implications for Thai Youth
    Affected by the 2004 Tsunami.” Thai Mental Health Journal,
    14, 134-141.

African Population

  • Guerin, Bernard. “Somali
    Conceptions and Expectations Concerning Mental Health: Some
    Guidelines for Mental Health Professionals.” New Zealand
    Journal of Psychology. July 2004.
  • Jaranson J, Butcher, J,
    Halcon L, Johnson DR, Robertson C, Savik K, et al. “Somali
    and Oromo Refugees: Correlates of Torture and Trauma
    History.” American Journal of Public Health.
  • Odejide, A.O., Ohaeri, J.V.,
    & Ikuesan, B.A. (1989): “Alcohol Use Among Nigerian Youth,
    The Need for Drug Education and Alcohol Policy.” Drug and
    Alcohol Dependence, 23:231-125.
  • Odejide, A.O., Ohaeri, J.V.,
    & Ikuesan, B.A. (1987): “Drinking Behavior and Social Change
    among Youths in Nigeria: A Study of Two Cities.” Drug and
    Alcohol Dependence, 20:227-253.
  • Schweitzer, R., Melville,
    F., Steel, Z., Lacherez, P. (2006) “Trauma, Post-Migration
    Living Difficulties, and Social Support as Predictors of
    Psychological Adjustment in Resettled Sudanese Refugees.”
    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 40(2),

Arab Mental Health

  • Al-Krenawi A, Graham JR,
    Dean YZ, Eltaiba N. “Cross-National Study of Attitudes
    towards Seeking Professional Help: Jordan, United Arab
    Emirates (UAE) and Arabs in Israel” Int. J Soc Psychiatry.
    2004 Jun;50(2):102-14
  • Al-Krenawi, Alean &
    Graham, John R. Graham. Culturally Sensitive Social Work
    Practice with Arab Clients in Mental Health Settings.
    February 2000.
  • Brinson, Jesse A. & Saeed
    Al-Amri, Fatima Salem. “Students’ Perceptions of Mental
    Health Counseling in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)” in
    International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling.
    Springer Netherlands. Vol. 27, No. 4, December 2005. Pages
    Netherlands. Vol. 27, No. 4, December 2005. Pages 495-512.
  • Hassouneh, Dena M. and
    Kulwicki, Anahid. “Mental Health, Discrimination, and Trauma
    in Arab Muslim Women Living in the US: A Pilot Study” Mental
    Health, Religion & Culture, Volume 10, Issue 3 May 2007 ,
    pages 257 – 262.
  • Okasha, Ahmed. “Mental
    Health in the Middle East: A Transcultural Comparison.”
    Clinical Psychology Review. Volume 19, Number 8, December
    1999, pp. 917-933(17).

Asian Mental Health

  • Cha, D. (2003). Hmong
    American Concepts of Health, Healing, and Conventional
    Medicine. New York: Routledge Press.
  • Chan, B., and Parker, G.
    (2004) “Some Recommendations to Assess Depression in Chinese
    People in Australasia.” Australian & New Zealand Journal of
    Psychiatry, 38(3), 141-147.
  • Chan, B., Parker, G.,
    Tully, L., and Eisenbruch, M. (2007). “Cross-Cultural
    Validation of DMI-10 Measure of State Depression: The
    Validation of a Chinese Language Version.” Journal of
    Nervous & Mental Disease, 195 (1), 20-25.
  • Chi-Ying Chung, R. &
    Kagawa-Singer, M. (1993) “Predictors of Psychological
    Distress among Southeast Asian Refugees.” Soc. Sci. Med.,
    36(5) 631-639.
  • Culhane-Pera, K. A.,
    Vawter, D. E., Xiong, P., Babbitt, B., & Solberg, M. M. (Eds).
    (2003). Healing by Heart: Clinical and Ethical Case Stories
    of Hmong Families and Western Providers. Nashville, TN:
    Vanderbilt University Press.
  • Hattori, Y. “Social
    Withdrawal in Japanese Youth: A Case Study of Thirty-five
    Hikikomori Clients.” Journal of Trauma Practice Volume 4,
    Issue 3-4, 12 September 2006, Pages 181-201.
  • Leong, F. T. L. (1986).
    “Counseling and Psychotherapy with Asian-Americans: Review
    of the Literature.” Journal of Counseling Psychology, 33
    (2), 196-206.
  • Leong, F. T. L. (2001).
    “Barriers to Providing Effective Mental Health Services to
    Asian Americans.: Mental Health Services Research, 3 (4),
  • Mau, W., & Jepsen, D. A.
    (1988). “Attitudes toward Counselors and Counseling
    Processes: A Comparison of Chinese and American Graduate
    Students.” Journal of Counseling and Development, 67,
  • Mendenhall, T., Kelleher,
    M., Baird, M., Doherty, W. (in-press). “Overcoming
    Depression in a Strange Land: A Hmong Woman’s Journey
    through the World of Western Medicine.” In R. Kessler (Ed.),
    Collaborative Medicine Case Studies. New York: Springer.
  • Nayar, S., & Tse, S.
    (2006). “Cultural Competence and Models in Mental Health:
    Working with Asian Service Users.” International Journal of
    Psychosocial Rehabilitation. 10 (2), 79-87.
  • Parker, G., Chan, B.,
    Tully, L., and Eisenbruch, M. (2005). “Depression in the
    Chinese: the Impact of Acculturation. Psychological
    Medicine, 35(10), 1475-1483.
  • Parker, G., Chan, B., and
    Tully, L. (2006). “Recognition of Depressive Symptoms by
    Chinese Subjects: the Influence of Acculturation and
    Depressive Experience.” Journal of Affective Disorders,
    93(1-3), 141-147.
  • Parker, G., Chan, B., and
    Tully, L. (2006). “Depression and Help-Seeking in a Western
    Sample of Highly Acculturated Chinese and Controls. Journal
    of Affective Disorders, 94 (1-3), 239-242.
  • Sakamoto, N., Martin,
    R.G., Kumano, H., Kuboki, T., Al-Adawi, S. “Hikikomori: Is
    it a Culture-Reactive or Culture-Bound Syndrome?
    Psychotherapy and a Clinical Vignette from Oman.”
    International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 35 (2), pp.
  • Shrithanya
    Hospital-Community Mental Health Office. Reduce stigma in
    mental problem in Wat Banglahong Community Nonthaburi
    Province:Annual conference at Srihtanya Hospital, 2006.
    (Conference proceedings in Thai translated to English)
  • Tuicomepee, A., & Romano,
    J. L. (2006). “Children and Adolescents in Natural
    Disasters: Psychological Implications for Thai Youth
    Affected by the 2004 Tsunami.” Thai Mental Health Journal,
    14, 134-141.
  • Udomratn ,P.. Epidemiology
    of Mental Health Problems and Psychiatric Disorders in
    Thailand: Executive Summary. Bangkok,Thailand: Limrother
    Press Co, Ltd. Songkhla, Thailand, April 2004, 15.

Eastern European Mental

  • NEW!
    Ajdukovic, Dean. Trauma Recovery Training:
    Lessons Learned. Society for Psychological Assistance,
    Zagreb, 1997.

  • NEW!
    Gregurek, Rudolf, Therapists’
    Affective Responses in Intercultural Treatment of Complex
    Posttraumatic States. Institute for Psychosomatic Medicine
    Zagreb, Croatia. 2007.
  • Global Initiative on
    Psychiatry, headquartered in Hilversum, The Netherlands, and
    with offices in Tbilisi, Georgia; Vilnius, Lithuania; and
    Sofia, Bulgaria promotes mental health and human rights in
    the New Independent States (NIS) and Eastern/Central Europe
    and has a number of publications on their website available
    for free download:
  • Jenkins R, Tomov T, Puras
    D, Sharshidze M, Surguladze S, et al. “Mental Health Reform
    in Eastern Europe.” Eurohealth 2001,7: 15-21.
  • Papageorgiou,V.
    Frangou-Garunovic, A., Lordanidou, R., Yule, W., Smith, P. &
    Vostanis, P. (2000) “War Trauma and Psychopathology in
    Bosnian Refugee Children.” European Child and Adolescent
    Psychiatry, 9(2), 84-90.
  • Weine., S.M., Rassano, L.,
    Brkie, N. Ramic, A., Miller, K. Smajkiv, A. Bijeduc. Z.,
    Boskailo, E., Mermelstein, R., Pavkovic, I. (2000)
    “Profiling the Trauma Related Symptoms of Bosnian Refugees
    who have not Sought Mental Health Services.” Journal of
    Nervous and Mental Disease. 188(7), 416-421.

Hispanic Mental Health

  • Cabassa, Leopoldo. “Latino
    Immigrant Men’s Perceptions of Depression and Attitudes
    Toward Help Seeking” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral
    Sciences, November 1, 2007, 29; 492-509.
  • Fabrega, Jr., Horacio.
    “Hispanic Mental Health Research: A Case for Cultural
    Psychiatry” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Vol.
    12, No. 4, 339-365 (1990)
  • Gil, A.G. & Vega, W.A.
    (1996). “Two Different Worlds: Acculturation Stress and
    Adaptation among Cuban and Nicaraguan Families.” Journal of
    Social and Personal Relationships. 13(3), 435-456.
  • González-Forteza C.
    (1995). “Aspectos Psicosociales del Suicidio en Adolescentes
    Mexicanos.” Psicopatología, 15(4) , 157-161 Encuesta
    Nacional de Epidemiología Psiquiátrica del Instituto Ramon
    de la Fuente. 2003:
  • Gonzalez, Manny J. &
    Gonzalez-Ramos, Gladys, Eds. Mental Health Care For New
    Hispanic Immigrants: Innovative Approaches In Contemporary
    Clinical Practice, The Haworth Press, Inc., October 2005.
  • Guarnaccia, Peter J., Igda
    E. Martinez, and Acosta, Henry. Mental Health in the
    Hispanic Immigrant Community: An Overview. Mental Health
    Care for New Hispanic Immigrants: Innovative Approaches in
    Contemporary Clinical Practice. The Haworth Press, Inc.
    October 2005.
  • Hovey, J.D. & Magana, C.
    (2002) “Exploring the Mental Health of Mexican Migrant Farm
    Workers in the Midwest: Psychological Predictors of
    Psychological Distress and Suggestions for Prevention and
    Treatment.” Journal of Psychology. 130(5), 493-513.
  • National Congress for
    Hispanic Mental Health Action Plan –
  • Newton, Frank, Esteban L.
    Olmedo, Amado M. Padilla Hispanic Mental Health Research: A
    Reference Guide. University of California Press Berkeley
    1982 685p.
  • Padilla, Amado M.
    “Bicultural Social Development” Hispanic Journal of
    Behavioral Sciences, Nov 01, 2006; 28: 467-497.

Transcultural Mental Health Nursing

  • NEW!
    Andrews, Margaret M. and Joyceen S. Boyle.
    Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care. Lippincott, Williams
    and Wilkins. 5th Edition. 2007.

  • NEW!
    Bigby J. Beyond culture: strategies for
    caring for patients from diverse racial, ethnic, and
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